Prof. Samuel Otu Gyandoh

Uncle S.O.

Juanita Cox

Uncle S O, we always looked forward to your visits whether they were to our home in Nigeria or in Cambridge, UK.  My father always used to talk about how much he enjoyed your company, your wit, intelligence and your mutual love of Chaucer.  My mother, your cousin, similarly always spoke of you with fondness.  You were literally like a brother to her.  And for my siblings and I you were simply the best.  Always generous, thoughtful and kind.  And when my father died in 1996, you became my surrogate father.  I will always treasure my memories of you and thank you for all the love and encouragement you gave us over many decades.    RIP Uncle S O and condolence to all who knew and loved you.

To my surprise and delight he once made me eto(spelling?) – ‘food of the gods’ is how he described it; plantain mashed with onions and scotch bonnet with boiled egg.  He was generous in every possible way.  Generous with his joy, his wonderful laughter, his time, and unexpected gifts.  He was an inspiration and provided my family with an important connection to our extended family in Ghana.  It’s really very difficult to believe he has gone.  Best wishes to you all.

~Juanita Cox