Prof. Samuel Otu Gyandoh

A Tribute To A Favourite Uncle

Ego Banga

A Tribute to a favourite Uncle….

Uncle SO…. Where do I start?….I sobbed uncontrollably when I heard the sad news.

You have been in my life forever. We lived next door to you in Legon and gradually I became a part of your family. My parents left me in you and Aunty Louisa’s capable hands while they were on sabbatical and it was necessary that I blended back into the school system to prepare for secondary school. I remember the excitement every morning when you drove us all to school in the morning, blasting away the most modern music ever… Michael Jackson’s “Off The Wall“ being one. Taking us out on family visits, dressing up in your white white when you were in the mood to cook. Your  humorous ways of telling any of the kids off …”b3ll3”…” tuunu” and the stammer that’s followed when you were besides yourself at the nonsense…Gyebu being a regular one to receive those.

I am so glad I managed to visit you on my last “safe” journey to Ghana in 2019. I managed to express to you that you were my favourite uncle ever …absence never changed that….and the taste I have for riding in a cool “Mec” was certainly influenced by you. Fond memories of seeing you occasionally when you were in the UK and once hosting a birthday luncheon for you shall all be cherished. You managed to make everyone feel special, you represented my parents at my marriage blessing in 2015 even though I had not informed you the right way. I know that was your soft spot for me that made you honour  us with your presence. You wrote, you visited, you called and you did this for so many who looked up to you I have come to realise. We will miss you, my heart is broken knowing you are no longer with us…. It’s been so painful… I have applied the blocking mechanism I use to deal with the double loss my siblings and I experienced of our parents….sleep well and may you have eternal rest till we meet again.   In tears as I write…..


Your heart broken niece Ego xxxx