Prof. Samuel Otu Gyandoh

My Tribute to Grandpa Lou

Joana Jandoh – Granddaughter

My grandfather lived an incredible life filled with joy, love and happiness. I will always remember how he would always have delicious treats waiting for my siblings and I whenever we went to visit him. We would exclaim “Grandpa Louuuu!!!” when we saw him. On our birthdays, he would always give us a card and money that was equal to ten times the age we were turning that year. I will definitely miss that as well as the lunches we usually had on our birthdays.


I remember how lively, fun-loving and clever he was. Most of my childhood memories are flavoured with traces of fun and laughter. We would all play games together at times, and he would also occasionally tell us stories and share some of his valuable knowledge with us. He faced life with intelligence, joy and wit. 


When I heard some of the things other loved ones said about him, it was mostly about how much he loved to dance and have fun, as well as how caring he was. He was very lighthearted and loved to enjoy himself.


Grandpa Lou, I will always miss you, and I have so many wonderful memories I will cherish with pleasure.


Rest in Perfect Peace in the arms of the Lord.